









Beyond   illusion (幻想の彼方)=あの時(1/31)の顕在心
Commentary:The butterfly in this card represents the outer, that which is constantly moving and that which is not real but an illusion. Behind the butterfly is the face of consciousness, looking inward to that which is eternal. The space between the two eyes has opened, revealing the lotus of spiritual unfoldment and the rising sun of awareness. Through the rising of the inner sun, meditation is born. The card reminds us not to look outside for what is real, but to look within. When we focus on externals, we too often get caught up in judgments – this is good, this is bad, I want this, I don’t want that. These judgments keep us trapped in our illusions, our sleepiness, our old habits and patterns. Drop your opinionated mind and move inside. There, you can relax into your own deepesttruth, where the difference between dreams and reality is already known.

The Source(根源)=深層心
Commentary:When we speak of being “grounded” or “centered” it is this Source we are talking about. When we begin a creative project, it is this Source that we tune in to. This card reminds us that there is a vast reservoir of energy available to us. And that we tap into it not by thinking and planning but by getting grounded, centered, and silent enough to be in contact with the Source. It is within each of us, like a personal, individual sun giving us life and nourishment. Pure energy, pulsating, available, it is ready to give us anything we need to accomplish something, and ready to welcome us back home when we want to rest. So whether you are beginning something new and need inspiration right now, or you’ve just finished something and want to rest, go to the Source. It’s always waiting for you, and you don’t even have to step out of your house to find it.

Commentary:This naked figure sits on the lotus leaf of perfection, gazing at the beauty of the night sky. She knows that “home” is not a physical place in the outside world, but an inner quality of relaxation and acceptance. The stars, the rocks, the trees, the flowers, fish and birds – all are our brothers and sisters in this dance of life. We human beings tend to forget this, as we pursue our own private agendas and believe we must fight to get what we need. But ultimately, our sense of separateness is just an illusion, manufactured by the narrow preoccupations of the mind. Now is the time to look at whether you are allowing yourself to receive the extraordinary gift of feeling “at “home” wherever you are. If you are, be sure to take time to savor it so it can deepen and remain with you. If on the other hand you’ve been feeling like the world is out to get you, it’s time to take a break. Go outside tonight and look at the stars.
Creativity (創造性)=想う方からのメッセージ
Commentary:From the alchemy of fire and water below to the divine light entering from above, the figure in this card is literally ‘possessed by’ the creative force. Really, the experience of creativity is an entry into the mysterious. Technique, expertise and knowledge are just tools; the key is to abandon oneself to the energy that fuels the birth of all things. This energy has no form or structure, yet all the forms and structures come out of it. It makes no difference what particular form your creativity takes – it can be painting or singing, planting a garden or making a meal. The important thing is to be open to what wants to be expressed through you. Remember that we don’t possess our creations; they do not belong to us. True creativity arises from a union with the divine, with the mystical and the unknowable. Then it is both a joy for the creator and a blessing to others.


=あの時(1/31)の顕在心:目に見える世界にあるものは蝶のように絶え間なく動きます。追い続けても、固めてみても幻想のまま。このカードは、内側に太陽を昇らせ、昇らせた位置からの回答を促しています。つまり…慈愛とくつろぎに満ちたおおいなる回答のチャンスの到来を意味しています。 その答えは疑いなきもの。すなわち、真実となります。(私自身が慈愛である…ということを認識できるか…絶え間なく動きゆくモノゴトに対して何を見るか…なのでしょう。。)

=深層心 :あたまのエネルギーでこころの家(source)に帰るのではなく、どこにも動かずに、ハートも頭もどっしり坐ってしかも、永遠性を帯びる真実性の場所に帰ってみる勇気を促しています。帰ったら、リラックスだけでオッケイ!ハートの真実が創造の舟を漕ぎだし始めます。(私の潜在意識は知っている…それが何に通じているのかを…Relax,この信頼こそがすべてではないかと。。)
Creativity =想う方からのメッセージ: 自分を通して“表現されたがっているもの”について開いていること。個人で所有することでなく、他者からおおいに祝福される作品。あなたがものごとをどう見るか?という質を喜ばれる創造性を今こそ発揮しよう!(今後の私の姿でしょうか…自身のしていることを愛している状態…まさに慈愛の伝達者である…ということを。。)



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